PROKONA-Workshop drawings & detailing

© 2023 Prokona

Manufacturing workshop blueprints & detailing


Long-term cooperation with companies from the German and English-speaking countries has shown that they do not spent valuable time on preparation of workshop drawings (bleuprints) and BOMs. The customers are more focused on project documentation of the highest level.

The purchasing department is often in position to find a good manufacturer only on the basis of the conceptual design drawing.

Big competition in the market has forced the manufacturers to take the orders despite missing or no workshop drawings.

In this position as a customer, you are in great danger, because you let the preparation of the production drawings to manufacturers. The manufacturers are permanently forced to keep manufacturing costs low.

That often means that they have no corresponding forces which can prepare good workshop (manufacturing) drawings.  A problems occurs because of that.

For example the same product is not always the same, as previously supplied. (welding seams are not not the same, an so on)

Next, you as a purcaser should find a new supplier ... but it lacks the workshop drawings again, and again you do not know exactly what you're getting back.

It is always better to have your own workshop drawings and documentation.

Prokona is always willing to help in this area. Detailing, BOM, sheet metal flat patterns and sheet metal processing are our main focus.

The workshop documentation includes the preparation of complete documentation (drawings, parts lists, materials lists, technology lists, sheet metal flat patterns, dxf data, tolerance, etc.), which are required to produce desired position or assembly uniformly in every moment.

The workshop documentation provide repeatability and ensures that always the same product, with no variations in size, materials, technology and form, is produced.

 The preparation of the workshop documentation seeks:

  • intensive contact with the purcaser
  • knowledge of technological possibilities of production,
  • knowledge of the machinery of the contractor
  • optimal alignment of the manufacturing process with the available technology and equipment

Excellent knowledge of German and English language, production technology and years of experience ensures that we provide high quality workshop drawings and documentation!

We will be Your reliable CAD outsourcing partner!


Manufacturing drawings (blueprints) - clean and clear

| PROKONA, Hrupine 7B, HR-40323 Prelog, Croatia, European Union | VAT. Nr.: HR37258577601 |

| +385 40 295 398 | +385 98 426 457 | | | | |